Dangerously Stylish Bowtie Designed to Rock Your World: Gear Gent
We recently received some bowties from the fantastic minds over at rockmybowtie who believe that a bowtie should not cost an arm and your first born child. They believe that you can have a high quality bowtie at a cost that isn’t borderline extortion and they are able to hit the nail on the head.
Something that these bowties are phenomenal at is how easily they tie in to a great bow that fits near perfectly. That warning above is true. You will gain more attention with these spiffy ties around your neck. The designs you can choose from are fantastic. The bowtie of the month happens to be a mustache print and if you know anything about us, you know we appreciate a good ‘stache wherever we see one. You heard that right, a mustache bowtie which happens to be perfect for the great Movember movement. Oh, did I mention that part of the profit from the bowties are donated to cancer research? Well, now that I have told you, you have no reason not to go break the bank on these crazily awesome bowties.
Now, I know the question you’re begging to ask. You can wear these bowties in any setting your heart desires. Though, I would caution the use of a bowtie in a gym where neck restriction is not the best idea. Other than that though, rock the hell out of these bowties. The rockability of these bad boys really sets them apart. So much so that I had to create a new word to describe them near adequately.
Why would you wear a bowtie? That seems to be a rhetorical question but you wear one because you can. Do you have the balls to rock a bowtie with mustaches all over or pink with polka-dots? You should, you’re here on GearGent which means you already have good taste and should be willing to expand upon that. If you are not sure go ahead and check, and while you’re checking feel for bumps. A gentleman should never catch testicular cancer late.